Thursday 2 July 2015



This fall, we are starting an exciting new congress: The International Congress of Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Glaucoma (ICATTG). The first edition, of hopefully many, will be held from October 29th until the 31st, 2015 at the Politechnico di Milano, Milan, Italy.

It is our great pleasure to invite you to be a part of it!

Registration now open!

This innovative and unconventional congress will include presentations and discussions on the latest developments in scientific achievements in the field of glaucoma and will include: basic science; therapeutics; surgery and novel diagnostic technologies; genetics genetics as well as mathematical modeling, statistical evaluation and prognostic aspects.
We aim to bring together experts from various disciplines: ophthalmologists; physicians; mathematicians; physicists; engineers. This will enable a better understanding of glaucoma pathogenesis, the natural course of the disease, progression, and new treatment modalities. It is hoped to encourage brainstorming and open the pathway to a multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of glaucoma.
This first edition has a limited number of seats: 350. This is specifically done to maintain an open and personal atmosphere which, in our views, will enhance the transfer of knowledge and increase collaboration among the various disciplines. However, we will video capture all sessions to be able to accommodate those that will not be able to attend our meeting.
We hope you will be able to join us to make this new initiative a success!


The congress is the first worldwide event in the area comprising Medicine, Biology, Clinics, Therapeutics, Engineering and Mathematics. It is the extension of the Workshop Integrated Multidisciplinary MIP-Politecnico-Milano-300x108Approaches in the Study and Care of the Human Eye: Clinical Experience – Mathematical Modeling – New Technologies that was held in Milano, 26-27 June 2013, under the joint organization of the proposers of the present initiative, and falls within the Official Agreement for Academic Collaboration between IUPUI, Indianapolis, USA, and the Politecnico di Milano.

Congress Chairs

  • Prof. Fotis Topouzis
  • Prof. Alon Harris

Committee Members

  • Prof. Ingrida Januleviciene
  • Prof. Riccardo Sacco
  • Prof. Giovanna Guidoboni

Universities for Expo 2015
The International Congress of Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Glaucoma is part of the University Scientific Committee for EXPO 2015.

Registration now open!

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